Arvada Bicycle Accident Attorneys
Bicycles are popular throughout the Arvada, CO, area. Some people ride for exercise or leisure, and others use their bikes for eco-friendly local transportation. While most bicyclists can enjoy riding their bikes without issue, others are not so fortunate and experience devastating bicycle accidents. Whenever a motor vehicle driver hits a bicyclist, it’s very likely for the cyclist to sustain severe injuries. Some of these incidents escalate to disputes of liability, and experienced legal counsel is necessary for navigating this type of case to a successful result.
Representing Victims of Bicycle Accidents in Arvada, CO
If you or a loved one recently experienced a bicycle accident someone else caused in the Arvada, CO, area, an experienced attorney can help you hold them accountable for your losses. The Law Firm of Jeremy Rosenthal offers years of experience in complex personal injury cases in Arvada. We’ve helped many past clients understand their legal options in clearer detail and make more informed decisions about the directions of their cases.
Our goal in every case we accept is maximum recovery for our client. Our firm can provide the answers you need to your most pressing legal questions and help you understand the ways your claim might unfold. The sooner you secure legal counsel, the sooner your attorney can start working on your case.
Why You Need an Arvada Bicycle Accident Lawyer
An experienced Arvada bicycle accident attorney offers clients several important legal advantages as they approach their case. First, Colorado upholds several strict legal statutes regarding personal injury claims, and the plaintiff in a bicycle accident claim must meet these procedural requirements so their case may proceed. An Arvada bicycle accident lawyer will handle their client’s court proceedings on their behalf, providing updates as the case progresses. This allows the client to rest with reassurance knowing their case is in reliable hands.
Most personal injury claims filed in Colorado end in settlement. A settlement negotiation can provide both parties with a swift and acceptable resolution to a dispute. However, settlement may only proceed if the defendant accepts liability and agrees to negotiate compensation for the plaintiff. If the defendant denies liability, argues against the damages claimed by the plaintiff, or if settlement negotiations prove fruitless for any other reason, the case proceeds to trial.
What to Expect From Your Legal Team in Arvada, CO
Regardless of how simple or complex you believe your bicycle accident case to be, an experienced Arvada bicycle accident lawyer can have a tremendously positive influence on the outcome of the case. Therefore, when you choose the Law Firm of Jeremy Rosenthal to represent you in an Arvada bicycle accident claim, we will carefully review the unique details of your case, help you identify all channels of compensation, and prepare you for the proceedings ahead.
Ideally, an effective personal injury claim can secure a fair settlement for the plaintiff relatively quickly with an experienced attorney’s assistance. However, when complications arise, and a case proceeds to litigation, you must have legal counsel you can trust. Your Arvada bicycle accident attorney can help you with preliminary case proceedings, guide you through settlement negotiations, and provide comprehensive litigation counsel if your case proceeds to trial.
Commonly Reported Causes of Bicycle Accidents in Arvada
Bicycle accidents can happen for a wide range of unpredictable causes. However, if one party’s actions directly cause a bicycle accident, they are liable for the resulting damages under Colorado’s personal injury laws. A few of the most commonly reported causes of bicycle accidents that generate personal injury claims in Arvada are:
- Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs. A DUI driver faces severe criminal penalties for causing a bicycle accident while under the influence. However, it’s also important to note that bicyclists can face DUI charges for operating their bicycles while intoxicated, with the same penalties that would apply if they were driving.
- Distracted driving. Bicycles are smaller than passenger cars and less noticeable in some driving conditions. When motorists are inattentive behind the wheel, they can easily collide with nearby bicyclists. Distracted driving is the leading cause of all vehicle accidents in the United States each year.
- Speeding. Exceeding posted speed limits makes it harder for a driver to adjust to sudden changes in traffic conditions. As a result, they may be unable to slow down or stop in time to avoid colliding with a bicyclist. Bicycle accidents that happen at high speeds tend to result in catastrophic injuries.
- Moving violations that disrupt traffic flow can easily result in bicycle accidents. Improper navigation of intersections, running red lights or stop signs, performing illegal turns, and violating posted traffic signals are just a few examples of moving violations that can cause bicycle accidents.
To succeed with a bicycle accident claim, the plaintiff must identify the party who caused the accident and provide a complete accounting of the resulting damages. In addition, the plaintiff must prove the defendant failed to act with reasonable care in a manner that directly caused their claimed damages. Working with an experienced Arvada bicycle accident attorney is the best way to ensure liability for damages. Your legal team can help you gather physical evidence, eyewitness testimony, and input from expert witnesses to support your claim.
Damages and Compensation for a Bicycle Accident Claim
Colorado law allows the plaintiff of a personal injury case to seek full recovery from all the economic losses they sustained due to the defendant’s actions. Bicycle accidents tend to cause severe injuries, many of which require extensive treatment and pose long-term complications to victims. Therefore, the defendant is liable for all medical expenses the plaintiff incurs for recovering from their injuries, managing their symptoms, and restoring functionality after the accident.
In addition to medical expenses, the plaintiff can also hold the defendant responsible for the cost of repairing or replacing their bicycle and any other property lost in the incident. Furthermore, if the plaintiff cannot work after their accident due to the severity of their injuries, the defendant is liable for their income. Additionally, if the plaintiff cannot resume their job or can’t work at all because of their injuries, the defendant could be held responsible for their lost future earning potential.
Colorado personal injury plaintiffs may also claim compensation for their non-economic damages, specifically their pain and suffering. However, state law limits non-economic damages in personal injury claims to $250,000. If the defendant’s liability is proven with clear and convincing evidence, this cap can increase to $500,000, and judges ruling on personal injury claims have the discretion to award additional compensation to the plaintiff. Victims who suffer severe injuries that entail long-term or permanent damage tend to see the most substantial recoveries of non-economic damages.
An experienced Arvada bicycle accident attorney is the best asset for any injured plaintiff who wants to accurately calculate the full range of their claimable damages and navigate their civil case proceedings efficiently. The Law Firm of Jeremy Rosenthal has helped past bicycle accident victims secure compensation for immediate and long-term damages. As your Arvada bicycle accident lawyers, we can leverage this experience on your behalf.
Colorado Bicycle Accident FAQs
Q: What Is the Most Common Injury From a Bicycle Accident?
A: Bicycle accidents often cause traumatic brain injuries, some of which can pose long-term or permanent medical complications to victims. Other commonly reported injuries from bicycle accidents throughout the United States include bone fractures, spinal injuries, internal organ damage, facial and dental injuries, and crushing injuries.
Q: Can a Bicycle Be at Fault for an Accident?
A: If a motor vehicle driver hits a bicyclist, the driver likely bears the lion’s share of fault for the incident. However, if the bicyclist was in any way negligent in a manner that contributed to causing the accident, they face partial liability for the incident. Colorado’s modified comparative fault rule means the plaintiff receives a fault percentage from the judge and then loses this percentage of their final case award.
Q: Can a Driver Go to Jail for Causing a Bicycle Accident?
A: Some drivers cause bicycle accidents through carelessness and inattention, while others engage in unlawful behavior that is damaging to others. An at-fault driver could face criminal prosecution for causing a bicycle accident if they caused the accident while speeding, driving recklessly, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Their sentence will increase depending on the severity of the damage they inflict on the victims.
Q: Is It Worth Hiring an Arvada Bicycle Accident Attorney?
A: You stand to lose much more than you could save by attempting to handle your bicycle accident claim without a lawyer. An experienced legal team can dramatically improve the outcome of your case, revealing avenues of compensation you would have overlooked entirely on your own. They can also eliminate uncertainty by helping you gather the evidence you need to firmly establish fault for your damages.
Contact Our Arvada Bicycle Accident Lawyers Today
The Law Firm of Jeremy Rosenthal understands that any bicycle accident can devastate the victim and their family. Our goal is to help every client navigate their case as efficiently as possible, address their unique concerns with individualized legal counsel, and help them secure maximum compensation for their losses. Contact the Law Firm of Jeremy Rosenthal today and schedule your consultation with an experienced Arvada bicycle accident lawyer.