Knowing, they say, is half the battle. With dog bites, education is 99% of the battle, if not more. At The Law Firm of Jeremy Rosenthal, we’re celebrating National Dog Bite Awareness Week with a series of posts designed to educate people about the severity of dog bite attacks in this country and how utilizing safety strategies when around dogs can help reduce the number of dog bite victims nationwide.
Dog Bite Statistics
Did You Know? Check out these dog bite facts about dog attacks in the United States:
- Number of People Bitten by Dogs Each Year: 4,700,000
- Daily Dog Bite Victims Who Seek Medical Care: 1,000
- Chances the Attacking Dog Was Chained Up: 73%
- Chances the Attacking Dog Knew Their Victim: 71%
- Chances the Dog Bite Victim Was a Child: 77%
- 2nd Most Targeted Group (after children): The Elderly
- 3rd Most Targeted Group: Postal Carriers
- Chances the Dog Bite Victim is a Burglar: 0.005%
- Ages Who Suffer the Most Severe Injuries: 5-9 years old
- Chances the Attack was on the Dog Owner’s Property: 50%
- Number of Dog Bite Deaths Last Year: 42%
- Chance the Breed That Killed Was a Pit Bull: 59%*
- Chance it Was More than One Dog that Killed: 32%
- Chance You’ll Be Bitten By A Dog in Your Life Time: 40%
Practice Dog Bite Safety Techniques With All Canines, Even Yours
If you spend time around dogs regularly it’s imperative that you keep in mind that dogs, even the friendliest of house pets, are animals and that any dog is capable of biting in the wrong set of circumstances.
With so many of the victims under the age of 12, it’s also imperative that parents always supervise the interactions of children with any dog, no matter how well they know each other. Unsupervised children are the most likely to be the victims of fatal dog attacks so never leave children and dogs together by themselves!
If you’ve been involved in a dog bite incident (or any other animal attack) and need legal advice, Denver injury lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal is available today to consult with you about your specific situation. The call is free. 303-825-2223.