Each year in Colorado during October and November, the various animal inhabitants of the state begin their journeys to the habitats where they reside during the winter. During these two months, the volume of wildlife-vehicle collisions (WVCs) spikes. These WVCs are almost as costly as they are dangerous to those traveling on roadways. According to the Rocky Mountain Insurance Association, these specific types of accidents cost insurance companies a tidy sum of over $1 billion annually in the US. Wildlife
An Aurora, CO Cinemark movie theater was the setting in 2012 where a gunman, James Holmes, went on a shooting rampage that led to (12) fatalities and (70) injuries during a screening of The Dark Knight Rises. The Denver Post reports that a large group of survivors initiated a suit in state court shortly thereafter. The plaintiff alleged that poor security, such as having no armed guards on duty and insufficient security surveillance equipment, enabled the gunman to execute the
Courts and lawmakers recently have presented challenges to Colorado’s Government Immunity Act (CGIA), which was established in 1971. Viewing the law historically, in 1946 the federal government passed the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA), permitting suits against the government in the federal courts. The act is interwoven with laws at the state level, as federal courts have jurisdiction for claims, but individual state laws are applied according to “”where the act or omission occurred.” Factors encouraging legislation included: Citizens seeking