Over one-million individuals are admitted to hospitals annually for severe injuries incurred in traffic accidents. In 2012, vehicle accidents resulted in $18 billion in overall lifetime costs of medical care. Among the many injuries, a broken bone, also known as a fracture, is one of the most common. Broken bones can greatly hinder mobility, overall range of motion, and be associated with paralysis. Here, we will look at the common bone injuries which occur in accidents and the potential long-term consequences. Common
A recent study by LifeSaver suggests as many agents report that closer to 60% of insurance claims actually are related to distracted driving. Bill Caldwell, Executive Vice President at Horace Mann Insurance, thinks that the root problem is the plethora of smartphone applications that are now available. Other examples of distracted driving include those who are eating, making climate control adjustments, and tending to child passengers–which could be a bigger problem than cell phone use. Here, we will look at some of
A great deal of emphasis regarding distracted driving is placed on the usage of mobile devices, eating, applying makeup and other activities. But have you considered the distractions that may occur when driving with children? Staying focused on the road is critical when turning, braking, merging, and changing lanes. Roughly 80% of accidents and 65% of “close calls” involve a driver who is distracted in some way. A recent report by the Monash University Accident Research Center explained how parents are operating
How do distractions further impact those who have recently begun driving a motor vehicle, such as teens? Learning to do something new generally takes some time; such is the case with riding a bicycle or learning a sport. When learning to drive a vehicle, the process has potentially more dangerous consequences because we share the roads with one another. Teenagers who are getting behind the wheel for the first time are obviously more prone to mistakes leading to car accidents
Studies continue to surface explaining the problem with driving while conducting phone calls and using text messaging. The risk of a crash increases roughly 3.6 times when drivers use mobile devices. Across the U.S. there are over 320 million wireless internet connections. A recent report indicates that as many as 9% of drivers may be simultaneously using mobile devices while driving on any given day. A recent AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety study revealed that over 60% of drivers claim to have
This is the final of a three-part series titled Personal Injury & Digital Technology: Where We Are & Where We Want to Be that looks at how digital technology impacts personal injury actions. Digital technology usage will rise in the coming years. The volume of digital data is approximately 10 zettabytes and will reach 40 zettabytes by 2020. Jobs in tech-driven areas will see significant growth. The Bureau of Labor Statistics explains that massive occupational opportunities will be in STEM–science, technology, engineering,
This is the second of the series titled Proving Personal Injury & Digital Technology: Where We Are & Where We Want to Be, which looks at how digital technology is influencing personal injury litigation. Law practitioners are generally not on the “cutting edge” of technology for several reasons. Some reasons include how the legal profession tends to minimize risk potential, the sensitive and confidential nature of the information involved in their work, and that legal practice involves significant interaction and compliance with governmental
This is the first segment of a three-part series titled Personal Injury & Digital Technology: Where We Are & Where We Want to Be that analyzes how digital technology is impacting personal injury actions. Recent data from the Pew Research Center indicates that roughly 95% of Americans currently own a mobile (cell) phone and 77% of those are smartphones. Approximately 80% of adults in the U.S. own either a desktop or laptop computer. We have seen technology transition virtually all aspects of our culture,
During 2015, Colorado had approximately 3,217 traffic accidents that resulted in severe injuries and 547 with fatalities. Unfortunately, in 2016 the volume of fatal accidents rose by roughly 10% to 608. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) suggests that over $100 million is spent just in medical costs resulting from accident injuries and fatalities in Colorado. State agencies including the Colorado Department of Transportation and Colorado State Patrol are currently