A new disturbing trend is emerging that poses a threat to both other vehicles and pedestrians on and near our roads. As the U.S continues coping with the “opioid epidemic”, law enforcement personnel has encountered accidents where the driver has “overdosed” while behind the wheel. A report out of Virginia says all U.S. states are encountering the problems associated with abuse of heroin and pharmaceuticals for pain treatment. They estimate the number of individuals with an addiction to pain medication
As part of the procedure in civil cases, both parties have the capability of making requests for court consideration. Motions are formal requests submitted to a judge to serve a variety of purposes. Examples include requests to continue (postpone) the proceedings, that an existing court order be modified, for case dismissal, and many others. The majority of these requests must be done in writing, unless during a hearing or trial, and notice is provided to the opposing party and/or their
The concept of landowner premises liability in CO dates back to its roots within common law. In 1990, the legislators formally implemented the Colorado Premises Liability Statute § 13-21-115 and the majority of the provisions have remained the same since. In 2008, a case developed which triggered a challenge to the statute’s interpretation. This ultimately led to the need for the CO Supreme Court to interject and clarify the issue in Larrieu v. Best Buy Stores L.P. The Injury Gary